...si muovono le foglie degli alberi, i fili d'erba e le formiche. in città si muovono gli stickers, si spostano da un luogo all'altro, proliferano e si sovrappongono!
2 commenti:
ha detto...
hi every person,
I identified loopaqueen.blogspot.com after previous months and I'm very excited much to commence participating. I are basically lurking for the last month but figured I would be joining and sign up.
I am from Spain so please forgave my speaking english[url=http://whatsnewtodayea.info/].[/url][url=http://acsportsnews.info/].[/url][url=http://whatsnewtodayco.info/].[/url]
2 commenti:
hi every person,
I identified loopaqueen.blogspot.com after previous months and I'm very excited much to commence participating. I are basically lurking for the last month but figured I would be joining and sign up.
I am from Spain so please forgave my speaking english[url=http://whatsnewtodayea.info/].[/url][url=http://acsportsnews.info/].[/url][url=http://whatsnewtodayco.info/].[/url]
It is my first post here, so I would like to say hallo to all of you! It is really comfort to be adjacent to your community!
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